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“Learning for life”


Mathematics Curriculum


At Thornton Hough Primary School our aim in maths is to promote and develop children’s enjoyment, motivation and enthusiasm for maths. This is done through exciting, practical, first-hand learning and opportunities to explore and investigate while making links to the real world and our school values such as: curiosity, determination and reflection. We believe that everyone can achieve and succeed in mathematics. At Thornton Hough Primary School, we strive to help pupils to become mathematicians by developing their problem solving and reasoning skills so that they can apply their independent thinking and questioning across the curriculum and to help them in real life situations. Our aim is for children to leave as confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians who understand that maths is a fundamental part of everyday life and the world that we live in.  From the EYFS onwards, we want to ensure that pupils are confident in their understanding and application of their basic skills in number and the number system and that they build upon their prior learning at every stage. Lots of fun, practical activities take place in the early years as we set the foundations for their future learning. We encourage children to use their increasing knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematics to investigate, ask questions and solve challenging problems. Our EYFS team have been part of the maths hub for early years, which has enabled them to develop a secure understanding of how to build firm mathematical foundations with a stronger subject and pedagogical understanding for EYFS and KS1. A big focus throughout our school is to develop pupils’ confidence and skill in mental calculation methods to underpin their written methods as they explore the areas of mathematics and address increasingly complex problems. We believe that repetition of the basic skills will help equip children in the future as their maths skills develop.  Bringing mathematics to life and making it real, lies at the heart of every maths lesson that is delivered in our school because we want to ensure that children understand the importance of maths in their everyday day lives. It is paramount to us that children with special needs are well supported throughout their maths journey and that their learning is specific to their needs and the development of their knowledge and skills. Our inclusive system is designed to ensure that every child can reach their full potential.


A wide range of teaching and learning strategies are used in all mathematics lessons to capture pupils’ interest, cater for different learning styles and to promote effective learning and progress. Teachers use the National Curriculum supported by an appropriate range of teaching and learning resources, to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding of every child, ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, achieve high standards for their ability and make appropriate progress. The statutory requirements of the National Curriculum for mathematics and numeracy are covered and well applied from F2 to Year 6. We are a school that employs a mastery approach to learning using White Rose planning documents and guidelines as a main vehicle for delivery. Opportunities are implemented to broaden and deepen children's understanding in their application of their mathematical skills through a wide range challenge activities from sources such as Lancashire Maths and 'Pitch and Expectations'. Mathematics is taught, thoroughly, systematically and progressively to all pupils by all staff complimenting other materials  Children are encouraged to: ask questions, solve problems, discover new information, apply and consolidate their knowledge, skills and understanding through first-hand experience, investigations and practical work. Teaching children to be systematic starts in the early years and continue as they journey through our school. Teachers make use of the immediate and wider environment, including outside areas to help pupils apply mathematics and see the relevance of mathematics to their own lives. Children are encouraged to make links between different areas of maths and to reason/explain: why something is happening, spot mistakes and justify their answers. 


Teachers set challenging work, tasks and problems to increase children’s’ knowledge, skills and understanding and to extend their thinking. Teachers assess children’s work in mathematics through formative and summative judgements by; asking questions, observing learners during lessons, observing pupils solving practical problems, listening to pupils’ discussions, quizzing in lessons and role play activities. Misconceptions are addressed immediately using a different teaching approach where necessary. Work is marked regularly and frequently and pupils will be given appropriate, clear feedback which tells them how well they have done and what they need to do next to improve. The mathematics subject leader supports the teaching and learning of mathematics by:

- providing strategic leadership and direction for mathematics.

-monitoring progress and standards across the school.

- reviewing and revising the mathematics policy.

- monitoring and supporting teachers in the teaching of mathematics.

-keeping staff up to date on new developments in mathematics.

-monitoring the effectiveness of the planning and development of mathematics.

- auditing, monitoring the effective and appropriate use of resources and obtaining new resources.  


Thornton Hough Primary School Maths Long Term Plans:

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